Top Designs for November

Top Designs for November

Top Designs for November

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

29 Nov 2018

With inboxes going crazy this month filled with monochrome masterpieces a plenty, we thought we'd show a collection of our favourites that bucked the black and white trend.

Enjoy.... 1. ZARA Home SL:

Welcome to our home | Kids Collection Chosen for:


The simple method of left-to-right align can usually be relied on to create an editorial/cut and stick feel, or in this case, kids scrapbook.


Linking nicely with the layout, the use of block colour letters cascading vertically goes well to enhance the theme.

The sans, italic font itself gives it a playful feel, too.

2. Boden SL: 30% OFF: FRIDAY CAME EARLY Chosen for: Animation.

This colourful campaign hero really grabbed our attention, together with the flashing block colours, made it a refreshing find from all of the monochrome.

On-brand messaging .

Boden is always good at bringing personality to their messaging and they don't disappoint here.

The twist on colour to grab attention and the subtle copy like 'Fancy a natter?' gives them a bit of edge in the inbox.

3. Wilko SL:

We're feeling merry - half price Christmas continues Chosen for:

Carousel - tailored content on mobile including images.

A great example of a carousel in this campaign from Wilko.

Images change depending if it is viewed on desktop or mobile.

These have been thought about too, for example, using a life size Santa to help you purchase the perfect size Christmas tree.


Nice use of product ratings to drive conversions.

The overall design may not be as eye-catching as the others but there is some awesome thought behind strategy here.

4. Pizza Express SL:

It’s Snowball Dough Ball Day! Chosen for:


This campaign appears as if an Insta stories on mobile, sizing up to a red background on desktop.

Each module is divided by colour with animation.


It continues on from their offer to show how it can benefit Macmillan which makes a nice change of subject amongst all the Black Friday deals.

5. Blurb SL: Bookstore Flash Sale! Chosen for: Design .

A striking design from Blurb to promote their holiday offer.

From the choice of colours to the blocking of shapes and CTA's make this a stand-out email.


Blurb are known as a service to create your own books, steering subscribers into ordering last minute existing gifts is a nice twist (and will probably do them good in the big Christmas production rush!).

Any you've loved that we've missed? Let us know on Instagram or Twitter .

Bex Highfield Marketing Manager




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Got a project or want to know more about what we do? Drop us a message here, and we'll get back to you.