The best of GDPR Twitter

The best of GDPR Twitter

The best of GDPR Twitter

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

24 May 2018

The GDPR is finally live! Here are the best GDPR tweets from the last dew days.

Great start lads just got a GDPR email from a company with every single recipient accidentally CCd in.

Great start lads — ben (@b3nfox) May 24, 2018 Bigger than Beyoncé #GDPR is bigger than Beyoncé - will the trend fall tomorrow ? #emailgeeks — Marc Lantrok (@MarcLantrok) May 24, 2018 How generations to come will see us DO YOU STILL WANT TO GET OUR EMAILS AFTER GDPR TAKES EFFECT? — Cirque du SoLame (@_Katenip) May 23, 2018 Some sense at last Much of GDPR is alarmist twaddle mixed with opportunistic advertising based on a simple misunderstanding of the law.

If you processed data responsibly before today, you should be just as ok tomorrow.— David Allen Green (@davidallengreen) May 24, 2018 Can you recommend a GDPR expert?-yesCan I have their email address?-no — Adam Cleevely (@ACleevely) May 2, 2018 GDPR, GDPR, GDPR Was just on the train and overheard a small child say to his Mum "Mummy can I come to work with you tomorrow to witness the first day of GDPR compliance in the workplace?" and the Mum said "Of course you can" then the whole train cheered and starting chanting "GDPR, GDPR, GDPR" — Terpsichore (@TerpsiTerpsi) May 24, 2018 Now look what you've done I refuse to do admin and boring life stuff because it makes me feel like dying, so instead of working out how to do the #GDPR thing I've decided the easiest solution is to never send a mailout ever again.

Follow me on here or instagram for 'news' 👍🏻 — Mr Bingo (@Mr_Bingo) May 23, 2018 Everything's OK — Mike Ragan (@Mike_Ragan) May 15, 2018 Slow clap And the award for best GDPR email goes to — Mark Milton (@miltonic101) May 22, 2018 Sorry about that Oh well, in for a penny...Get this GDPR-ty started 🎉 — Elliot GDPRoss (@iamelliot) May 24, 2018




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